Carl gustav jung brief biography of mark

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    Carl Gustav Jung.

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    Source: Cropped from a group photograph with Freud and others in the Wellcome Collection. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

    Born in Kesswil, Switzerland, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) first encountered the work of Sigmund Freud in 1902.

    As a child, Jung took after his reclusive mother, Emilie, who was prone to seeing "spirits," reporting early experiences that included feelings of "a headless body" and other unusual phenomena. His sister, Johanna Gertrud ("Trudi") was born when Jung was nine; she would later act as his secretary.

    Carl gustav jung brief biography of mark

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  • Following the family's strongly Protestant ministerial tradition, Jung initially thought of becoming a preacher. After forays into archaeology and philosophy at the University of Basel, he finally undertook medical studies there in 1895.

    In 1900 he moved to Zürich in order to study at the Burghölzli (University) Psychiatric Hospital under the direction of Eugen Bleuler.

    By 1902 both men were reading and studying Freud's