Johnny seven biography

  • Johnny seven biography
  • Johnny seven toy gun...

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    El Bucko has been after one of these babies for many moons now. The Johnny Seven OMA (One Man Army) and quite literaly it WAS!. An awesome firearm for any would be John Rambo but predated Stallone's era by a good 3 decades or so.

    This rifle from hell could unleash an amazing array of seven different lethal plastic projectiles varying from little bullets to big kill everyone grenades and anti tank rockets.

    Johnny seven biography

  • Johnny seven biography
  • Johnny seven biography wikipedia
  • Johnny seven toy gun
  • Johnny seven robot
  • Johnny seven gun
  • Anyone who had a kid with one of these in their team whilst playing war would no doubt be victorious. The leader of any opposing team might just as well give up, retire to his bunker, sulk a bit, murder his fraulein girlfriend and then shoot himself in the head.

    It was as hopless as actually being Adolf Hitler himself. I cannot even begin to think of what would happen if each team had a Johnny Seven. Any one out there in Internetland who has experienced such a stalemate please contact us in the usual manner.

    Topper Toys also released some strange helmets to go with the