Date | Title | Notes |
6 April | Worshipping Big Powers and Depending on Foreign Forces Is the Way to National Ruin (사대와 외세의존은 망국의 길이다) | The work is a discussion with students of Kim Il Sung University.
22 April | On Improving the Work of the Youth League to Meet the Requirements of the Developing Situation (현실발전의 요구에 맞게 청년동맹사업을 개선강화할 데 대하여) | Speech given to Socialist Patriotic Youth League, then known as the Democratic Youth League of Korea.
12 June | The Basic Tasks Facing the Korean Central News Agency (조선중앙통신사의 기본임무) |
21 August | Let Us Make a New Advance in the Rural Economy in South Hwanghae Province (황해남도농촌경리발전에서 새로운 전환을 일으키자) |
15 September | Regarding the Need to Produce More Revolutionary Films for the Education of Soldiers (군인교양에 이바지할 혁명적인 영화를 많이 만들어야 한다) |
16 September | On Improving Party Guidance Relating to the Preservation of Historical Sites and Relics (력사유적과 유물보존사업에 대한 당적지도를 강화할데 대하여) |
18 October | Let