Reuters goran tomasevic biography
Reuters goran tomasevic!
Reuters goran tomasevic biography
Tomasevic's award-winning pictures of wars and revolutions have become some of the most enduring images of the conflicts fought in the Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. His broad work includes photographic features from South Sudan, Pakistan, Mozambique, DR Congo Central African Republic, Burundi, Nigeria and sports coverage of the Olympics and soccer World Cups.
After photographing the wars that followed the break-up of former Yugoslavia for a local paper, in 1996 Tomasevic joined Reuters, covering the simmering political tensions in Kosovo and the anti-Milosevic demonstrations in his hometown of Belgrade.
During NATO's three-month bombardment of Serbia in 1999, Tomasevic was the only photographer working for foreign press to spend the duration of the conflict in Kosovo.
Tomasevic moved to Jerusalem in 2002, covering the second Palestinian intifada.
During the U.S. led invasions of Iraq in 2003, his picture of a U.S. Marine watching the toppling of a Saddam Hussein sta